来自捷克的Avast!,已有数十年的历史,它在国外市场一直处于领先地位.Avast!的实时监控功能十分强大,它拥有七大防护模块:网络防火墙防护、 标准的本地文件读取防护、网页防护、即时通讯软件防护、邮件收发防护、P2P软件防护.这么完善的防护系统,定能让你的系统练就一副金刚不坏之身!任意开启各项保护模块能够查杀流氓软件.
* solved incompatibility with System Safety Monitor (SSM)
* improved compatibility of the self defense module with XP SP3 (and its installation)
* minor enhancements in the Web Shield (detection of streaming content)
* minor fixes in the updater
下载:avast! Home Edition
* improved compatibility of the self defense module with XP SP3 (and its installation)
* minor enhancements in the Web Shield (detection of streaming content)
* minor fixes in the updater
Homepage - http://www.avast.com
Size: 25.2 MB
下载:avast! Professional Edition下载:avast! Home Edition