FastStone Image Viewer 是一款免费且小巧的看图软件,它提供使用者方便的操作界面,让使用者可以通过它的操作界面来浏览图片,且还支持了连续播放的功能,让使用者能够轻松的浏览目录中的所有图片.虽然免费,但是功能却毫不含糊.FastStone Image Viewer 提供了简易的图形编修功能,让使用者不只是看图而已,还能够对图片进行简单的编修.此外还内建的图形格式转换功能,让使用者可以将图片转换成 JPEG 档案,方便保存.另外还有批次更名、图形大小调整...等功能,真的可以称得上是一款麻雀虽小、五脏俱全的看图好帮手喔.
Changes in Version 3.6 (September 15, 2008):
* Now it runs on both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows
* It plays video files (avi, wmv, mpg) in slide shows
* It is possible to show EXIF / Histogram information and work on the thumbnails at the same time. Just press I key to turn the Image Properties window on/off
* Improved the "Batch-Convert" (under Tools menu):
o Allowed Sorting Files in the Input List
o Added "Expand Mode" option to the Canvas tab of the "Advanced Options" window
o It is now possible to "drag and drop" files from Windows Explorer to the Input List
* Improved the "Draw Board" (under Edit menu). Now annotation objects (texts, lines, boxes etc.) can be edited by re-opening the Draw Board (press D key)
* Added "Animated GIF" as an output option in Multi-Page File Builder
* Added "Multi-Page File Splitter" (under Create menu), which is used to split a multi-page file into single files
* Added "Panorama Image Builder" (under Create menu), which is used to put multiple images side by side horizontally or vertically
* Improved the Print dialog
* Fixed some bugs

New Features:
下载:FastStone Image Viewer 3.6 Final
* Now it runs on both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows
* It plays video files (avi, wmv, mpg) in slide shows
* It is possible to show EXIF / Histogram information and work on the thumbnails at the same time. Just press I key to turn the Image Properties window on/off
* Improved the "Batch-Convert" (under Tools menu):
o Allowed Sorting Files in the Input List
o Added "Expand Mode" option to the Canvas tab of the "Advanced Options" window
o It is now possible to "drag and drop" files from Windows Explorer to the Input List
* Improved the "Draw Board" (under Edit menu). Now annotation objects (texts, lines, boxes etc.) can be edited by re-opening the Draw Board (press D key)
* Added "Animated GIF" as an output option in Multi-Page File Builder
* Added "Multi-Page File Splitter" (under Create menu), which is used to split a multi-page file into single files
* Added "Panorama Image Builder" (under Create menu), which is used to put multiple images side by side horizontally or vertically
* Improved the Print dialog
* Fixed some bugs

New Features:
- Now it runs on both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows
- It plays video files (avi, wmv, mpg) in slide shows
- It is possible to show EXIF / Histogram information and work on the thumbnails at the same time. Just press I key to turn the Image Properties window on/off