Foxit Reader 是一款 PDF 文件 (电子书) 阅读器/查看器.它体积小,快速,而且它是免费的.
有了它,你无须为仅仅阅读PDF文档而下载和安装庞大的Adobe Reader,而且启动快速,无需安装.对中文支持非常好.
有了它,你无须为仅仅阅读PDF文档而下载和安装庞大的Adobe Reader,而且启动快速,无需安装.对中文支持非常好.
下载:Foxit Reader 2.3 Build 3309
Fixed in Foxit Reader 2.3 Build 3309
1. Compatibility issues with Foxit Reader and Adobe Reader after saving.
2. Disappearing Toolbar after minimizing Foxit Reader to the system tray.
Fixed in Foxit Reader 2.3 Build 3309
1. Compatibility issues with Foxit Reader and Adobe Reader after saving.
2. Disappearing Toolbar after minimizing Foxit Reader to the system tray.