Foxit PDF Creator 2.0 Build 0725

2008年10月29日 22:17 次阅读 稿源: 条评论
Foxit PDF Creator是一款虚拟打印机,通过这款虚拟打印机任何支持打印的应用程序可以非常方便、高效地创建生成高品质的PDF文档。和备受大家欢迎的 Foxit Reader一样,Foxit PDF Creator也是基于Foxit同一核心技术研发并设计出来的。此工具具备有强大的 搜索功能和高效的PDF显示及处理能力,本身体积小巧,运行快速并且 显示精确,可以将当前流行的任何一种文档格式转换成专业标准的PDF文档。一旦您安装了这款虚拟打印机,就可以快速创建可靠的PDF文档,同时仍然保留有 原文档的观感,在创建PDF文档的过程中您会体验其难以想像的快捷的速度。
Fixed in Foxit PDF Creator 2.0 Build 0725:
1. Italic fonts lost their formattings after generating.
2. All lines get the same width when printing a PDF from AutoCAD.
3. Chinese characters in vertical direction are rotated 90 degrees when generating a PDF file from MSWord.
4. Colored documents turn black and white after converting from Office 2007.
5. Image overlaps when printing a PDF file.
6. When attempting to copy text from a generated PDF file, the PDF Creator icon pastes into the document.
7. Fonts with same height and width cannot be displayed correctly with Adobe Reader after converting.
8. The values in Page Size Height and Width boxes cannot be updated accordingly when selecting a page size in Page Form list.
9. Spaces after Bullets and Numbering are missing when converting Document Map contents in MSWord into PDF bookmarks.
10. Annotated text become garbled when generating a PDF file with annotations.
11. The border of an inserted oval becomes thinner when generating a PDF file from MSWord.
12. Some characters missing from certain generated PDF files.

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Foxit PDF Creator 2.0 Build 0725

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