FCleaner 发布

2008年12月13日 14:12 次阅读 稿源: 条评论
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In the new version of FCleaner, a detailed analyze/clean report has been available for you.

When the ‘analyze/clean’ process is finished, now you can see a report like below as default (figure1). There is a ‘[+]‘ sign at the top line. It can be clicked. When you click it, it will become ‘[-]‘ and the details will be shown to you (figure2).

FCleaner Default Report

figure1: default report (the details are hidden)

Show Details

figure2: Show Details

When you click the sign ‘[-]‘, it will become ‘[+]‘ and the details will be hidden.

Scan time

In the new report, you can also see a ‘Scan/Clean time’ result. It records the time of the analyzing process or the cleaning process. It is very useful if you want to compare the performances among several different cleaning softwares.

From the feedbacks we have found that many users don’t know how to add a new language pack for FCleaner. So we add this ‘add language pack’ feature in this release. Click the ‘Add’ button and select the language pack you want. This pack will be added to FCleaner automatically. ‘Restart FCleaner’ isn’t necessary now. You can find all availabe language packs of FCleaner here.

Add language

From this version, FCleaner can handle the cookies of FireFox 3.x (I am using FireFox 3.0.4)

Firefox Cookies

Many new features have be planned and will be added step by step to FCleaner in the future. Your donating, supporting and spreading FCleaner will be very helpful for us to realize this aim. We thank all FCleaner users:-)

我们在FebBox(https://www.febbox.com/cnbeta) 开通了新的频道,更好阅读体验,更及时更新提醒,欢迎前来阅览和打赏。使用教程


FCleaner 发布

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