KMPlayer Beta

2008年12月22日 16:46 次阅读 稿源: 条评论
KMPlayer简称 KMP,早期名叫WaSaVi播放器.作者:姜龙喜(韩国)历时七年自主开发的朝鲜语多媒体图形视窗工程免费项目.目前以其强大的操控功能在众多免费播放 器中逐渐显示其开发实力.底层调用了WMP的内核DirectShow.外部同时支持临时挂接Windows下的全部解码器,同时也支持Winamp中的 各种输入,音效,视觉效果插件...
[ The KMPlayer General ]
- New Codecs have been updated
- The two simultaneous [Default] albums created in the Playlist fixed
- Support for 5 buttons mouse (back/forward) => Preferences (F2) -> General -> Keyboard/Mouse -> Click on 1st X-button & Click on 2nd X-button
- Reduce KMPlayer.exe binary size.
- Default Preference value adjusted: Main Menu -> Options -> [Advanced Menu] Off
- Default preference value adjusted: General -> Repeat/Playlist -> [Playlist] tab -> [v] Clear default playlist items on exit. Checked.
- Incremental "Audio Volume" function added. (Preferences (F2) -> Audio Processing -> Volume -> Volume Steps
- New icon added.

[ Open Album Art upgrade ]
- Improved thumbnail extraction speed.
- Unicode Supported.
- Removal of empty folder when removing movie file. (Registry Option)
- If ThumbnailStoreType is set at a value other than 0, then improper play of videos solved
- Audio file indication option added
- Thumbnail error fixed
- Deletion of *.jpg File when deleting file from registry’s thumbnail extraction pass
- Deletion of empty folder when deleting a file
- Removal of list in BlackList.txt when removing movie file.
- Open album target pass via search engine added
- Audio file image included
- Readjust the horizontal size the album tab located at the top
- Christmas & New year Skin

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KMPlayer Beta

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