依据可靠信息做出决策可以节省您的时间和资金.Autodesk® Showcase® 软件通过三维数字设计数据帮助您创建精确、真实的图像显示,使您可以展示设计方案和传达设计意图.此软件还提供了一种环境,在该环境下可以演示并评审所需的设计以制定重要决策,它简化了设计评审过程,从而可以高效经济地制定决策.现在,Autodesk 使用 Autodesk Showcase 软件为内容创建、专业服务、交互式设计评审以及决策制定提供了无与伦比的设计和可视化解决方案.
下载:Autodesk Showcase 2009 SP1 Trial
* Expensive, time-consuming design review and decision-making processes
* Limited evaluation of multiple design variations due to time and cost of building physical prototoypes
* Low-quality digital prototypes hindering the design approval process
* Time consuming data preparation for visualization and review
* Design models changing while visualization imagery is being prepared for design review
* Expertise and expense required for creating high-quality design presentations
* Expensive, time-consuming design review and decision-making processes
* Limited evaluation of multiple design variations due to time and cost of building physical prototoypes
* Low-quality digital prototypes hindering the design approval process
* Time consuming data preparation for visualization and review
* Design models changing while visualization imagery is being prepared for design review
* Expertise and expense required for creating high-quality design presentations