FeedDemon RC2

2009年01月07日 07:14 次阅读 稿源: 条评论
FeedDemon是Windows 平台最受欢迎的RSS阅读软件之一,它具有简单友好的用户界面,使您可以快速抓取最新的新闻和信息。您可以完全自定义组织和显示Feed 的方式,设置自定义的基于关键词的新闻监视器。预先配置的众多Feed,让您可以立即开始使用它。其内建的Podcast接收程序可以下载音乐文件到您的 移动音频设备。另外,FeedDemon可以与NewsGator Online自动同步,并与Bloglines等流行的RSS服务集成。
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Changes in FeedDemon 2.8 RC2 (v2.8.0.9)
Added: Hovering over a short URL (TinyURL.com, etc.) now shows the full URL in a balloon tip so you know where the URL redirects (great when browsing Twitter). For a list of supported URL shortening services, see the file ShortUrl.xml in FeedDemon's \Data subfolder.
Added: Automatic hyperlinking of URLs, @replies, #hashtags and author names in Twitter feeds. Profile pictures will also be displayed when subscribing to the Atom version of a Twitter feed if the feed is in a folder that isn't synchronized.
Added: "Reply" link in newspaper when viewing a post from a Twitter feed
Added: "Edit Tags" now bolds suggested tags that you've already used
Added: "Attention Report" now enables exporting top feeds as OPML
Changed: Embedded ad now becomes a text ad when resolution is 1024x768 or lower
Changed: Email icon now shown in newspaper by default
Fixed: Embedded ad steals focus from FeedDemon's newspaper
Fixed: URL doesn't show in the status bar when you mouse over a link in an embedded ad
Fixed: Bad comments in feed prevent some items from being shown in FeedDemon newspaper (discovered with this French Gizmodo feed)
Fixed: Excessive flicker when selecting "Close Other Tabs"
Fixed: "Edit Tags" sometimes display a URL as a suggested tag
Fixed: EOutOfResources error when running FeedDemon in a remote session
Fixed: FeedDemon comes to the front of other applications when the desktop alert's close button is clicked
Fixed: FeedDemon warns that you're subscribing to a feed you're already subscribed to even when it's a secure feed that you've supplied a different login to
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FeedDemon RC2

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