支持多任务同时下载,支持设置文件下载优先级,可以根据计划任务调整占用的带宽,全局/单个任务的速度限制,快速断点续传机制,支持UPnP,支持流 行的BT扩展协议,支持用户来源交换,支持DHT.最小内存占用仅6MB!
支持多任务同时下载,支持设置文件下载优先级,可以根据计划任务调整占用的带宽,全局/单个任务的速度限制,快速断点续传机制,支持UPnP,支持流 行的BT扩展协议,支持用户来源交换,支持DHT.最小内存占用仅6MB!
-- 2009-02-13: Version 1.9 (build 14589)
- Change: optimize torrent generator to move the largest file to the front of the torrent
- Change: support TB, PB, and EB sizes in UI
- Feature: language selector and downloader before installer
- Change: show revision number in HTTP user agent
下载:µTorrent 1.9 Build 14589 Beta
-- 2009-02-13: Version 1.9 (build 14589)
- Change: optimize torrent generator to move the largest file to the front of the torrent
- Change: support TB, PB, and EB sizes in UI
- Feature: language selector and downloader before installer
- Change: show revision number in HTTP user agent
下载:µTorrent 1.9 Build 14589 Beta