EmEditor Professional 8.03 正式版

2009年02月26日 15:04 次阅读 稿源: 条评论
简单好用的文本编辑器,支持多种配置,自定义颜色、字体、工具栏、快捷键设置,可以调整行距,避免中文排列过于紧密,具有选择文本列块的功能(按ALT 键拖动鼠标),并允许无限撤消、重做,总之功能多多,使用方便,是替代记事本的最佳编辑器之一.
EmEditor Professional 8.03 has been released!

Updates from v8.02 include:
- Fixed the bug that Western European files could be opened as UTF-8 on Windows XP or earlier.
- Fixed the bug that the sub-argument (f) did not return only the file name in the Projects plug-in.
- Fixed the bug that the Find/Replace dialog font did not always change even if the "Change Font only if Character Set of Selected Font is not System Default".
- Fixed the bug that last sentence on the bottom of the first page could be printed in duplicate in the first sentence the second page.
- Fixed the bug that the installers of international editions (except English and Japanese) failed to register emedshl.dll so the EmEditor item did not appear in the Explorer context menu.
- Fixed the issue that the Save As dialog did not always initialize its path with the target folder.

下载: EmEditor Professional 8.03
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EmEditor Professional 8.03 正式版

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