2009年6月19号,Bitdefender2010 Beta3 build 13.0.12通过邮件向注册用户发布。该版本全新设计了UI,是很清爽的淡蓝色界面,软件分为三种设置模式,分别是高阶设置,中阶设置和新手模式。测试时间约为65天。主要面向W7发布,其支持在W7 7100以后,支持在行动中心显示状态,同时Bit2009在7100以后版本不能安装防火墙等问题,目前最好的办法也就是安装2010版本。
2009年6月19号,Bitdefender2010 Beta3 build 13.0.12通过邮件向注册用户发布。该版本全新设计了UI,是很清爽的淡蓝色界面,软件分为三种设置模式,分别是高阶设置,中阶设置和新手模式。测试时间约为65天。主要面向W7发布,其支持在W7 7100以后,支持在行动中心显示状态,同时Bit2009在7100以后版本不能安装防火墙等问题,目前最好的办法也就是安装2010版本。

Dear Beta Tester,
Thank you for your interest in our BitDefender 2010 Beta campaign.
Beta 3 will be available today for you as an automatic product update. If you have Beta 1 or Beta 2 installed, on Wednesday, June 18th, 2009 the automatic update feature installed the new files. To check that the new update has been installed successfully, please go to the "About" section (right-click the BitDefender icon from your system tray and select About) and look for the build number (it should read " Build: 13.0.12 ").
If you have Beta 1 or Beta 2 installed, on Wednesday, June 18th, 2009 the automatic update feature installed the new files. To check that the new update has been installed successfully, please go to the "About" section (right-click the BitDefender icon from your system tray and select About) and look for the build number (it should read "Build: 13.0.12").
If you do not have BitDefender Total Security 2010 installed and you would like to give it a try, please check the download links available below:
- 32b:
- 64b: