Seven Transformation Pack 3.0

2009年09月11日 20:04 次阅读 稿源: 条评论
Windows 7但电脑的硬件不够好?那Seven Transformation Pack便是最好的选择了!
它可以模拟Windows 7的外观并且提供了Superbar,登录UI,WinFlip等界面元素,还支持各种第三方模拟外观程序.
Seven Transformation Pack 3.0 Changelog

-Added automate configuration on startup for first-run user account
-Added deferred 3rd-party applications startup
-Added system files modification support for Windows Vista including
|-Main icons set
|-Logon screen background
-Fixed Disable unsafe configuration that may harm system in Welcome Center being disabled in Windows Vista
-Fixed icon size not restoring to 32x32 after uninstallation in Windows XP/2003
-Fixed MS Sans Serif font option not being configured
-Fixed out-dated settings of first-time configuration in Welcome Center
-Fixed system files verification reporting "Repair Needed" when both system file and backup not exist
-Fixed Use recommended application settings in Welcome Center permanently disabling applications don't meet requirements
-Removed annoying Display -> Appearance dialog after uninstallation in Windows XP/2003
-Updated configure user account to remember previous configuration
-Updated main dialogs' titlebar to dialog's name instead of application name
-Updated TrueTransparency
|-Core program to version 1.2 (with AeroSnap and AeroShake)
|-Optimized font color and shadow
|-Removed all skins but SevenStyle
|-Set caption font to Segoe UI (since program supports multi-font)
|-Updated maximized window title bar with solid black background
-Updated ViGlance to version 1.0 build 1194 (bug fixes)
-Updated Vista Rainbar
|-Core program remains same old Rainmeter to avoid VC++ 2008 dependencies
|-Removed Sidebar border
|-Re-arranged gadgets position to fit 800x600 resolution
|-Re-organized gadgets structure
|-Show desktop command no longer hide gadgets
|-Set default images in Slideshow to My Pictures folder instead of desktop wallpaper
|-Updated Windows 7 resources in some gadgets
-Updated Windows 7 RTM icons for
|-Add Hardware Control Panel Applet (including side graphic)
|-Display Control Panel Applet
|-My Documents Folder UI
|-Network Connections Shell
|-Paint (including graphic toolbar icons)
|-Registry Editor
|-Time Date Control Panel Applet
|-Tray icons
|-Wireless Link Control Panel Applet
-Updated Windows Seven visual style and WindowBlinds skin
|-Shutdown & Logoff buttons
|-Titlebar font color and shadow
|-Window frame border color
-Updated Windows UI in
|-Connection Manager
|-Remote Access
|-Remote Desktop Connection
|-System Control Panel Applet
|-Task Manager
|-Volume Control
|-Windows Update Client
-Updated WinFlip configuration for better compatibilities
|-Disabled multi-sampling
|-No caching thumbnail when new window appears
|-Use system memory for compatibilities with low VRAM card
|-Update Exclusion list during installation in case system drive letter isn't C

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Seven Transformation Pack 3.0

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