eMule MorphXT 开发者正在召集翻译志愿者

2010年03月30日 08:52 次阅读 稿源: 条评论
德国著名eMule MOD作者Stulle昨日在eMule官方论坛(forum.emule-project.net)透露,他正在着手开发新版本的Morph XT,目前正在寻求语言翻译。新版是否要基于eMule 0.50a,目前还不得而知,但是对于每一个喜欢发布,喜欢Morph XT系列的朋友来说,这确确实实是一大喜讯。

eMule官方论坛著名mod——MorphXT Mod,外号“忍者骡“,2003年1月23日开始开发,源于官方,自成一派,它是资源发布上传者的福音,主要功能有强力并智能控制上传、智能的目录管理 和A4AF(文件请求)、HideOS(隐藏过 多分享段)、共享所需文件段等,MorphXT也有一定的反吸血功能,还吸取融合了Espana、EastShare等Mod功能,覆盖包含中文在内的几 十种语言。最终成为eMule mod三大流派之一(另两派为ZZUL和Xtreme),基于MorphXT流的有MagicAngel、StulleMule 、EastShare等。

Stulle 在官方论坛发布的帖子如下:

Hey guys,

it's not exactly a secret but I am currently working on a new version of eMule MorphXT. Since organizing the translations got a bit of a problem after we switched to a private Git repository during the development of a new version I am now happy to announce the return of a versions totranslate.txt!

Without much ado, eMule MorphXT's Git repositories got a new totranslate branch that will henceforth contain a totranslate.txt that can be updated without updating any code. This way we will keep our code private and you can still make use of a versioned totranslate.txt that is available to the general public without any problems.

The first version of the totranslate.txt is based on old 11.2 so it did not contain the new strings in 11.3. This is the reason why the diff with the latest version (see link below) will also show those links. Something else you might find odd is that there are a lot of strings removed and then readded in the diff. The reason is that I changed the whitespaces in many lines to comply the proper whitespace layout somewhat more.

Diff between initial and current (28/03/10)
Latest version of totranslate.txt
History of totranslate.txt

Note, the first link might always be up to date but i am not quite sure about that, yet. The second link is certainly always up to date and the last link will obviously give you the opportunity to see the history of the file and choose a diff yourself.

Well, that is all for now. Stay tuned.

Greetings, Stulle

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eMule MorphXT 开发者正在召集翻译志愿者

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