AMD 官方博客开喷,指责 NVIDIA 盗用其卡皇称号

2011年03月26日 14:20 次阅读 稿源: 条评论
感谢NV 公关威武的投递
新闻来源:AMD 官方博客
AMD 的高级公关主管 Dave Erskine 在官方博客上发表声明,质疑 NVIDIA 关于 GTX 590 是新卡皇的说法。
AMD 官方博客原文与翻译:
March 25, 2011 by Dave Erskine

[p=15, null, left]At AMD we pride ourselves on both the excellence of our products, and in the integrity of our messaging.   Let me give you a perfect example.  Two weeks ago we launched our flagship GPU, the AMD Radeon™ HD 6990.  We had designed it to be a game-changer and we hit the bull’s eye.  The result: The AMD Radeon™ HD 6990 achieved the highest default single graphics card score of X3303 using the industry standard 3DMark11 benchmark.  And when we launched it, we issued a press release in which we proudly called it the “World’s Fastest Graphics Card” and fully disclosed the basis upon which we made that claim.
[p=15, null, left]Yesterday our competitor also issued a press release, announcing the launch of what they claim to be the “World’s Fastest Graphics Card”– the Nvidia GTX 590.   We combed through their announcement to understand how it was that such a claim could be made and why there was no substantiation based on industry-standard benchmarks, similar to what AMD did with industry benchmark3DMark 11, the latest DirectX® 11 benchmark from FutureMark.
[p=15, null, left]So now I issue a challenge to our competitor: prove it, don’t just say it. Show us the substantiation. Because as it stands today, leading reviewers agree with ushereherehere, and here that the AMD Radeon HD 6990 sits on the top as the world’s fastest graphics card.
[p=15, null, left]Dave Erskine is the Senior Public Relations Manager for Graphics Desktop at AMD. His postings are his own opinions and may not represent AMD’s positions, strategies or opinions. Links to third party sites, and references to third party trademarks, are provided for convenience and illustrative purposes only.  Unless explicitly stated, AMD is not responsible for the contents of such links, and no third party endorsement of AMD or any of its products is implied.

在 AMD 我们为自己的出色产品和实话实说感到自豪。譬如,两周之前我们发布了世界上最快的显卡 HD 6990。而 HD 6990 取得了默认频率下 3DMark11 (行业标准的性能测试软件)的最高分 X3303 分。在我们发表声明说我们发布了世界上最快的显卡这个新闻稿中,我们列举了事实根据。

昨天我们的竞争对手也发布了一篇新闻稿,号称他们的 GTX 590 是“世界上最快的显卡”。我们在他们的声明中仔细的爬文,试图理解他们是如何得出这个结论的,却并没有发现任何基于行业标准的测试依据,例如 3DMark11 这样的最新 DirectX 11 性能测试软件。

所以现在我们向我们的竞争对手发出一个挑战:证明它(GTX 590 是新卡皇),别口说无凭。用具体的凭据来证明。因为今天,很多世界知名的评测网站包括这个、这个、这个和这个都认可 AMD HD 6990 依然坐在世界最快的显卡这个卡皇王座上。

Dave Erskine 是 AMD 的高级公关主管。
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AMD 官方博客开喷,指责 NVIDIA 盗用其卡皇称号

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