Cairo Team近日宣布CairoShell M1延期发布

2008年06月27日 19:47 次阅读 稿源: 条评论
据Cairo Development Team三个成员Michael Ciarlo、Dustin Hanson、Sam Johnson于6月26日发布的消息来看,原定于6月29日发布CairoShell Milestone 1的计划将要延期,但不会超过1或2个月。以下为官方原文:
Cairo Development Team
June 26, 2008
To The Cairo Community,
The Cairo Desktop Environment aims to deliver unprecedented usability and productivity enhancements for the Microsoft Windows operating system.  With revolutionary features, including our dynamic desktop and file browser, Cairo will truly bring users a more productive user experience, coupled with a beautiful user-interface.

In April 2008 the Cairo Team announced the beginning of a code reset following the unfortunate loss of over 8 months of work; a true lesson learned. With a new development life-cycle, subversion software, and determined team, Cairo is ready to revolutionize the traditional desktop.

Therefore it is with great displeasure that we announce the delay of our first private alpha, tentatively scheduled for June 29, 2008. Unfortunately we were too ambitious in our goals and too conservative in our estimates and must push back the Milestone 1 release. We cannot declare a new date at this time, but that does not mean the delay is for more than a month or two. While we understand the frustration this news may bring, it is with the utmost frustration and understanding that we publicize this delay.

In an effort to disprove rumors of mal-intent, we have discontinued accepting donations until a new alpha date is set. We recognize the doubt this casts upon our endeavor, but despite our best efforts this could not be avoided. It is important to recognize that Cairo is, at its heart, a part-time hobby and not a full-time career. While the Cairo Team is determined to conduct itself professionally and openly, we are still merely a committed group of individuals striving to achieve lofty goals, ones that will take time and dedication to achieve. The desire to blend our livelihoods, hobbies, and passions has caused us to err in the past, but we maintain our goal always: Cairo will be released as a fully functional and revolutionary desktop environment.

We regret the setbacks we have endured, but not the challenges we have faced to get there.

It is our hope that however detrimental these circumstances may appears that we remember the environment in which Cairo has sprung: a community of technology enthusiasts, bloggers, students, and friends.  We know there are many individuals who have been with us for ten months or more, and for that we thank you. For others who are just joining our community, we welcome you whole-heartily. Let our community be a model for others and conduct itself with patience and understanding as we look towards what the future may hold and continue our efforts to deliver a promising desktop solution.

Cairo screenshot taken today: the taskbar is purposely not pictured.

Thank you and best wishes,
Michael Ciarlo
Dustin Hanson
Sam Johnson
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Cairo Team近日宣布CairoShell M1延期发布

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