Paint.NET是一个图像和照片处理软件,它由华盛顿州立大学的学生开发和维护并由微软公司提供项目指导,早期定位于MS Paint的免费替代软件,现在逐渐发展为一个功能强大且易用的的图像和照片处理软件,支持图层,无限制的历史记录,特效,和许多实用工具,并且开放源代 码和完全免费,界面看起来有点像Photoshop.该软件的开发语言是C#.

What's new:
- New: For Windows 7, added taskbar progress reporting for long running operations (effects, adjustments, Image->Resize, save, install)
- Made some corrections to the French translation
- Running setup with /auto will no longer launch Paint.NET when it's done
- Fixed an issue where Paste into New Image would refuse an image on the clipboard, even if regular Paste would take it
- Fixed a race condition with Edit->Paste and Image->Resize whereby it would take up 100% CPU and take between 1 minute to 1 hour to finish
- Fixed an issues with Copy/Paste where it would leave an extra line of transparent pixels on the left, top, right, and/or bottom edges
- Fixed lag with the paintbrush tool that was being seen on some systems
- Fixed some issues with the paintbrush and eraser tool being misaligned when zoomed in
- Fixed a crash that would happen at (seemingly) random times, such as after drawing with the paintbrush tool, on some systems
- Fixed a minor and obscure rendering glitch with the Move Selected Pixels tool
- Fixed an issue with glass over Remote Desktop or Windows 7 Virtual PC
- Fixed a minor glitch whereby the "Unsaved Changes" confirmation dialog could never finish rendering the image thumbnail if one of the Move tools was active